Hello This is My First Program Enjoy Press Any Key to Continue

  1. Anoying yes , i totally forgot most of the time ,and iam like damned it take so long and oups i have to press thats effing key ...

    Probably because we are not use to it

  2. I've been sitting here for hours but I still can't find the "any" key on my keyboard.
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  3. It's like I'm really in the 90s.
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  4. >_> On a more serious note... I have honestly tried to furiously click my way through the screen before realizing once again I need to mash a random key on my keyboard to spawn.
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  5. Makes sense, people are smashing their mouse buttons all the time. If one really wants to make some sense out what jsut happened and try to figure out where the shot came from a random click could ruin it for you.
  6. mouse is still used to rotate and view the enemy charector/vehicle, so I'm guessing thats why they don't allow a mouse click to exit. I think it's just something to get used to, give it a bit and you may get into the habbit of skipping over it altogether.
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  7. Ikr!
    the silver lining.
    once you get use to hitting a key, I like the spacebar, you wont have to look at the deathcam and seemingly get back in game faster.
  8. Maybe it could be changed to "Press any key to remain in the death screen" instead? You want to know what happened > press something.
  9. It'll get less annoying as time goes on, but allowing a mouse click to move past the screen would certainly be welcome.
  10. but i like to spin the player model around to look at dat sexy vanu ***!
  11. Ahhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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  12. they should just get us straight into the deploy screen (except we can press a key to see the death screen), or at least give us an option whether we want to see the Death screen after death or after 'opening' it with a key.
  13. My first reaction was "Omg, they made the respawn timer longer! :eek:" And then I realized I was just skipping the death screen faster.
  14. You cant click to make it go either. Just as dumb is that you cant take screenshot of it since thats pressing a key. And its dumb you cant open the last death screen after closing it.
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  15. Request should read something like this:

    Please include clicking with 'any' key to clear the death screen.

    Also, please make the death screen automatically go away after a few seconds and put me back to the spawn map.

  16. "Game over. Please insert coin 1 SC".
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  17. Dude, just get stalker cloak and infiltrate a VS-owned base. Why do you think they added that cloak in the first place?

    Also agreed that clicking to skip the death screen would be nice.

  18. 1 - clicking is used to rotate whatever it is that killed you - however, clicking outside of the 'rotating box' should also close the death screen imo.

    2 - really ? even if you have the screenshot key bound to only a single key instead of the default ctrl+f10(?) ?

    3 - deployment screen should have a "show last death screen" button, and maybe a hot key with it too. also, clicking the "[*insert player name*] killed you" with the right mouse button should give us an option to open death screen (for that death, not last death screen).

    to clarify my previous post - there should be a "skip death screen" check box in general settings.

  19. Some things I thought were stupid until I saw them implemented. The automated voices aren't bad other than the voice macros tend to bug out completely and I can't hear them when I use them. But the death screen needs work and you should probably have the option to opt out of seeing it.


Source: https://forums.daybreakgames.com/ps2/index.php?threads/press-any-key-to-continue.177820/

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