Csl Continuing Education Ma From Florida
Mass Construction Consultants offers several approved Massachusetts CSL Continuing Education courses. Listed below, these courses are provided as corporate training through companies, and we can often customize professional development opportunities to meet the specific needs of your particular organization. We are always adding classes and welcome you to reach out if you have a question or course suggestion.

I. Basics of NFPA 241
Instructor: Joe Kelly, Mass Construction Consultants
Content includes what the standard applies to, what is covered (housekeeping, hot work, pre-fire plans, etc.), requirement for FPPM, when a plan is required, and how it should/may be submitted. Also discuss the requirements of the owner. [1 Hour Code Review]
II. FPPM Training
Instructor: Joe Kelly, Mass Construction Consultants
Goal is to train construction professionals to operate in the capacity of Fire Prevention Program Manager as required by NFPA 241. Content covers required site inspections, permitting authorizing individual (PAI), hot work, interfacing and permitting with AHJ, documentation & record keeping. [1 Hour Workplace Safety, 1 Hour Elective]

III. Electrical Systems 101
Instructor: Michael Weber, Gaston Electrical
Provides basic knowledge of all electrical systems within a commercial building, including an understanding of electrical theory, electrical equipment, electrical code requirements, safety, and installation considerations onsite. [2 Hour Elective]
IV. Navigating the City of Boston Permitting Process
Instructor: Joe Kelly, Mass Construction Consultants
Provides basic knowledge of code requirements for permitting and how to effectively procure permits. Topics include: Long Form, Short Form, Fast Track, CO, CI, Place of Assembly, and more. [1 Hour Code Review, 1 Hour Business Practices]
V. Zoning 101
Instructor: Michael Yanovitch, Code Official
Provides survival skills for Massachusetts zoning by covering how zoning is applied and how you can stay out of trouble. This is for single, multifamily, and commercial development and modifications. This class will give you some insight on how to vet projects for potential speed bumps and find hidden investments. Leverage your construction knowledge with some land use knowledge.
VI. Fire Stopping 3rd Party Inspections
Instructor: Joe Kelly, Mass Construction Consultants
Covers when a third party inspector is required (which projects), what percentage of penetrations or joints need to be inspected, what does inspection require (witness vs. destructive), who can act as an inspector, explanation of rated assemblies (what are T ratings, F ratings, etc.), and who is the documentation provided to upon completion. Also discusses measures you can put in place to reduce headaches and rework. [1 hour Code Review]
VII. Fire Alarm Systems 101
Instructor: Michael Weber, Gaston Electrical
Provides basic knowledge of fire alarm systems within a commercial building, including covering how the system functions as a whole as well as code requirements, components, wiring, signaling, permitting, testing, and more. [1Hour Elective]

VIII. Understanding Accessibility Requirements and Appeals Process
Instructors: Joe Kelly & Regina Olivieri, Mass Construction Consultants
Reviews 521 CMR, the Architectural Access Board code, and explains how to determine whether a project will require upgrades to the accessibility of a building and its facilities (i.e. building entrances, bathroom facilities, and elevators). Outlines the next steps when compliance is not feasible or is an unrealistic burden. [2 Hours Code Review]
IX. Basics of HVAC Systems
Instructors: Rich Mouradian & Bill Mahoney, Cox Engineering
Provides basic understanding of how HVAC systems work and the advantages, disadvantages, and installation challenges of multiple systems. Discuss heating hot water, chilled water, and condenser water systems as well as delivery methods for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning including air handling units, fan coil units, energy recover units, heat pumps and chilled beams. [2 Hours Code Review]
X. Understanding & Executing Impairment Plans
Instructor: Peter Harrod, Code Red Consultants
Covers what an impairment is and what an impairment plan should contain, who is responsible for the development of a plan and when does it get submitted. We'll also discuss permitting, how to reduce likelihood of rejection, common pitfalls, and the owner's responsibility in the process. Additional insight on the BFD permitting process will be given. [2 Hours Code Review]
XI . NFPA 241/ FPPM Training
Instructor: Lt. Chris Towski, Fire Official
A presentation through the eyes of the fire service on the requirements and enforcement of NFPA 241. Construction operations present an increased potential for fire due to the presence of large quantities of combustible materials, as well as unusual ignition sources that may not be present following construction operations. Discussion will cover historic fires, the regulatory code path, gaps in the construction industry, and real life examples of some of the issues commonly found. [1 Hour Workplace Safety, 1 Hour Elective]
Above is the current list of CLS continuing education classes provided by MCC. We also provide non-CSL classes and are in the process of increasing our CSL offerings, if there are code-related topics of interest to you please let us know so that we can consider these as we develop new courses.
Source: https://massconstruction.org/csl-continuing-education/
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